How to narrow down your choices to reinvent yourself.

It all comes own to your power to decide...
Decide now! (image courtesy

Welcome! Let me take this opportunity to share an insight, very much linked to my personal story. It’s not about the story per se, but just one aspect of my process; how I narrowed things down to doing what I do today. I became more independent and gained financial freedom in the process. You can also decide what you want to achieve. 

This post is for you if you are at a crossroads. If at this point you can showcase different skills and talents and your multi-giftedness is starting to frustrate you, and you are wondering if you should be doing this or that, then read on. 

Are you a victim of financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, yet you have skills, talents, gifts, and an empty bank account? How can you go about putting your life back on track? Is there a permanent job that pays the bills and offers you a sense of security? Yet you lay awake all night because you know that gift of business or whatever your talent may be, is tugging endlessly at you, and you are also in debt? Is it the many skills you have acquired over the years that have thrown you into confusion? And, after all, your economic activity can’t bring in loads of money as you envisaged? 

Whatever your particular experience, how do you navigate the crossroads? You might be traveling on a life and career route right now but unsure of your destination. How can you possibly be sure that decades on, desired outcomes won’t turn out different from what you thought, leaving you drained and your time/life wasted? Your mind might be struggling with an endless list of questions such as these. I was in the same place some time back, confused and broke, yet highly gifted and educated. 

At the end of it all, there two crucial questions to answer. What would you like to do with your life? How are you going to go about it? These are vital questions to answer. If you need to reinvent yourself after life’s disruptions, especially those created by COVID-19, decide what you want. With all the endless questions and the confusion, it all narrows down to one thing: your power to choose what exactly you want to do. After your choice, are you strong enough to stick with the decision and not fall on Plan B when your process becomes too hot to handle? Yes, it all boils down to your power of choice!

In one of my articles on this blog, Make better decisions and change your life, I hinted at the fact that all you are and can ever become is hinged on your ability to decide what you want to do.

When faced with the most difficult life-changing circumstances and career decisions, one and only one thing is needed: deciding firmly and definitely what you’re going to do and sticking with your decision. (Sticking with your decision is usually a function of focus and staying focused is another topic for another day).

Finding a way to commercialize or monetize your gifts, skills, and talents (skills and talents acquired from formal education) is a sure pathway to success if you understand and stick to the process. It is all pivoted on your power of decision and your willingness to remain focused, ready to weather the storms as you journey towards your dream. 

Understanding how to monetize your gifts, skills or talents is vital (another topic for another day).

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Life isn’t a game. Take time, quiet down your spirit, get a notebook and pencil, write down and carefully consider your options, then decide right now and turn your life around. Reinvent yourself rather than let your CV and available jobs define your destiny. Yes, jobs may choose your fate, but your gift will decide your future!

The power is in your hands. What are you going to do? The world awaits your impact. What are you going to do?


My books (a course on self-development and self-discovery for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

2 thoughts on “How to narrow down your choices to reinvent yourself.”

  1. True that the numerous “skills, talents, gifts” should not co-habit with an empty bank account. Thank you Ray for being a tough coach on big topics of re-inventing oneself.

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