Here is a simple way to get rid of hindrances to your dreams.

Welcome to today’s article. Before we begin, here is a free secret to success: read a relevant book. Read my book Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! ISBN 1727490681. This may be the missing link to reinventing yourself and your life!

I want to mention briefly that, in celebration of a year of weekly articles on, I have decided to share another old post from September 20, 2020. 

The premise is simple. Your confusion and failure to meet your goals are due to the many voices in your mind. What do I mean? Simply put, your confusion arises from your ability to do many things at once. Your life is like someone going on a journey to a town B. You get to a crossroads, and there are five different roads, all leading to B. But, the distances are different, and the traveling conditions are not the same. How then do you choose what route to take to town B? 

Read this article, How to narrow down your choices to reinvent yourself. I wrote it in Johannesburg, South Africa, as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard on the world. Yet, as Billy Ocean sang when the going gets tough, the tough get going. 

What are you going to do? Reinvent yourself because the world is waiting for your impact.
