Your mind: the greatest treasure

Your mind: the greatest treasure on earth?

Why do you wake up early and go to bed late? I guess you might say it is because you want to work hard to succeed. And, you are right. Hard work is necessary for success. 

But let me ask you. If you hear that there are gold and diamonds hidden inside the earth and you set out to work hard by digging for gold and diamonds, not knowing if there is indeed any gold and diamond where you are excavating, is there any chance that you will succeed? 

Like I already said, and I hope you agree with me, hard work is necessary to succeed. But today, let me give you TWO vital tips if you want success.

Firstly, work hard based on facts and the truth. Digging a piece of land because precious stones might be inside the ground, without any assurance that they are there, is a waste of time, energy, effort, and life. What have you been wasting your time on lately?

Secondly, look around you in the world. The whole world is full of material things that human beings have made. Some of these things are very expensive and not easily affordable by the average person. Question: can you call all artificial things treasures? Do you get my point? 

That said, treasure does not refer to the material things you see in the world. It is the human mind that created those things. Can you relate? The real and tangible treasure is the ‘hidden abilities’ on the inside of you, hidden in your gifts. Everything you see in the world, including those classified as treasures, was created using the greatest treasure – the gifted human mind. The good news is that every human being born on earth possesses this treasure in one form or another.

Have you found yours? If you have, are you using it based on truth? Or, are you digging for treasure where there is indeed none? 

Keep it real! 


4 thoughts on “Your mind: the greatest treasure on earth?”

  1. Godlove Anthony

    What the mind can imagine and conceive. The mind can achieve it. Indeed the mind of man is the greatest treasure.

  2. Butholezwe Ncube

    So profound, all that is needed is being at easy, calculative and all will delivered thru the power of the mind.

  3. The mind is the greatest gift that is given to man by the Highest Power. Without a healthy and sane mind all the treasures in the world amount to nothing.

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