Your insomnia is wrecking your life. What’s the matter?

Your insomnia is wrecking your life. What’s the matter?

Quote of the weekWhile you exist in the world, what you ‘see’ in your mind is absolutely important; because that’s exactly what your life will become (Proverbs 23:7). #RolandRayKangong 

Why can’t you sleep at night?

Sleep is very important to every human being. That includes you. Your overall wellbeing and health, as well as productivity at your career can be affected by how much rest you can get. According to this article from, insomnia is defined as “ … a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. The condition can be short-term (acute) or can last a long time (chronic). It may also come and go ...”.

This short article is not written from a medical point of view. But, I’d like us to look at your insomnia from the point of view of what goes on in your mind. Because, as you exist, your mindset has a dominant effect on your life‘s outcomes. Your power of choice, and the manner you handle the process to attaining your goals, can affect your sleep, short-term or long term. You may take preventive measures according to medical advice, but if your mind is troubled, your sleep will be troubled.

Hence today, we are asking the following questions: what’s the matter with you? What’s going on in your mind? Why are you like this? Why are you struggling to sleep at night? Again, what is going on in that mind of yours?

What about my mind? You may ask…

I have written about the mind in many articles in this blog. Your life’s outcomes are created in your mind (Proverbs 4:23). So, what keeps you awake at night is exactly what you have made a habit of ‘seeing’ in your mind. Worse, insomnia could be detrimental to your health. Last week‘s post touched on health and productivity. Nevertheless, you have control over what you can see. In other words, you have the power to choose what to see and what not to see, in your mind. 

Pay attention.

It is possible for you to see and believe something that’s not right for you; and it is also possible to see and believe something that is right. How? It all depends on whether you know who you are. Knowledge of yourself is the key. What do you mean Ray? Know your gifts and your strengths. Caution: you do not have any weaknesses because The Book says you can do all things, provided you know the One who created you and the power He put inside you (Philippians 4:13). If you know yourself, you will be able to distinguish the good from the bad when you ‘see’ things in your mind. You see that? The bad can contribute to you having trouble falling or staying asleep. The good may keep you awake at night, for instance, if you are working on a viable project but that won‘t be insomnia.

That said, can you now re-examine what keeps you awake at night and question its validity? There are two sides to it though, in my opinion; you could be losing sleep for the right reasons or for the wrong reasons. Just think carefully about it. 

Do this…

I keep repeating this same principle. Get a notebook and write down your vision. The wrong vision will lead to worry and possibly to insomnia. That might also keep your blood pressure up, among other health issues (read about sleep deprivation in this article), encourage binge eating and drinking as coping mechanisms and possibly affect your overall wellbeing negatively. Even your bank account could be affected negatively if nothing is done to address the condition.

Bottom line? Know yourself. Your true self is hiding in your gift. Find it. Read my book Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! along it’s Study Guide and you will find your hidden treasure. Read and share all the articles in this blog. They contain decades of research and divinely-inspired wisdom just for YOU. Knowledge from my books and blog posts can make you better at any activity you do for a living – banker, teacher, pilot, businessman/woman, scientist, manager, politician etc. See that? Because, without knowledge, people perish (Hosea 4:6).

You possess the power to defeat insomnia. It is all in your mind. The right knowledge on how to handle matters in your life can set you free.

What are you going to do? Work on your mind and defeat insomnia because the world is waiting for your contribution to humanity (Isaiah 41:6)?


Isn’t it time for you to exist purposefully?
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