This is what happens when you learn a new skill.

A new skill is like a new relationship. For you reading this, if you are an adult, think back to your teenage days and recall how it felt like when you had a new heartthrob in your life. I bet you would think of them all day and all night and want to be with them at the slightest opportunity.

However, when last did you learn a new skill, and what was it? How passionate are you about your new skill? There is so much talk about developing yourself along the lines of your work, job, or business. While that is true and necessary, learning a skill unrelated to your career might be just right for you at this time. Versatility is golden in these COVID days.  Reading books like this one could guide you.

Think about this. What if you learn to service your car by yourself? Yes. Changing brake pads, air filters, and spark plugs could be a lot of fun. 

You, CEO, how about learning to mow the lawn? Or you engineer, learning to make a burger? And you politician, what if you learn to cook and make some special dinner for your family? And you wealthy businessman or woman, what if you acquire a knowledge of making sandwiches and volunteer at the local soup kitchen for the less fortunate? The list could go on and on. 

Now here is the thing. In Exodus 31:1-6 and Chapters 36 to 39, we see the name of a guy called Bezaleel come up strongly during the construction of the Tabernacle as God instructed Moses. Among the children of Israel, there was a call for skilled persons to avail themselves and actively contribute to building the Tabernacle. 

In our modern 21st century, the Tabernacle, the house of God, represents each human being, especially those who are in Christ. My question to you is this. What skill outside your career have you learned that you can use in the service of your fellow humans? Maybe you are saying you do not know what to learn. Look around you and identify a need. Then, go ahead and learn a skill that will allow you to assist the needy in your community. Like Bezaleel, let your skills find expression among God’s children. That should happen when you learn a new skill. You will move from self-centeredness to people-centredness, which is the essence of life.

What are you going to do? 
