This is how to shift to your next level.

Anything is possible. Who told you that there is a limit to what you could achieve? Let me show you.
In today’s tech world, have you seen a device that can do everything? I mean, for example, is there a toothbrush that can wash cars, iron clothes, vacuum the carpets, dress up the kids and feed them breakfast, make calls and deliver goods? I bet you no such device exists.
Now, here is the thing. A toothbrush has its uses, while a vacuum cleaner has its own. A smartphone has its functions. Get the point?
The point is that devices have specialized functions. Among the various uses of a device, there are hardly any limitations, if it is used for the intended purposes.
You are a specialized being. God created you with specific functionality in mind. The problem is that although God created you to perform a unique function, you have been working hard to perfect and perform tasks meant for someone else. No matter how hard a toothbrush tries, it will never make or take calls. See?
You have been frustrated and worried. You have done your very best to make things work in your life. Indeed, you have even prayed, fasted, and done good deeds to others, hoping to shift to your next level. Still, nothing seems to be working out as you expected.
Here is what you should do. Find yourself. Know yourself. Stop doing what God didn’t design you to do. Why is a sportsman busy agonizing for a degree in astronomy? Should a sportsman or woman take to social media to announce their astronomy degree when they are indeed heading down the wrong path in their life?
Just like a toothbrush cleans teeth, find your own function; find it, and you will find your value in life. An astronomer’s salary may appear desirable, but it will never come close to the sportsman’s wealth. Get my point? Find your calling. It is called your gift.
If you do, shifting to your next level will become as effortless as shifting gears in a car to gain speed and get to your desired destination.

Take a moment to digest these deep truths.
What are you going to do?


You may not know it. All you have ever wanted in life may just be a book away. Buy this one book: Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! (ISBN 978-0-620-82184-1) for yourself or as a gift to someone. Get a copy here.