The little actions that yield enormous dividends.

The little actions that yield enormous dividends

Thought of the weekDon’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today” (Thomas Jefferson).

Hello there. Last week we spoke about the tiny little voice in your head that could make all the difference in your life if you pay attention to it. (Read the article here). In today’s post, we are going to talk briefly about little actions that yield enormous dividends. Why? Hearing the little voice, and thinking about anything you want to achieve, requires that you take action to get results – the rewards. 

You will agree with me that every human being has one challenge or the other at some point in their lives. Isn’t it just human to have challenges? True. Nevertheless, I believe most of your challenges are due to little actions you keep pushing for later. Let’s see some examples, just for you to get the gist of this article. Then, I believe you will be able to identify and deal with your challenges. Let us consider a few challenging scenarios that can potentially affect your health and career, and what you can do about it.

In Health & Career…

Are you battling health-related issues such as weight gain? Well, you do not have to wait until you make enough money to afford a gym subscription before you start working out. You may be a very busy professional and have absolutely no time for exercise. Then, here is what you can do. According to science, getting off your seat and standing or walking around now and then yields dividends. Read this article. Simple right?

The same goes for taking the stairs to the next floor/s. You can run or walk around your house or office block every day, as a lifestyle. Is it too hard? Do you drink a half can of that soda or gulp down a number of cans at once? Or, maybe you eat meal portions meant for two or three persons by yourself? Or yet, you enjoy the couch with the TV remote control in hand while nibbling away on some high-calorie snack and sugary drink? The list could go on and on. If that is your case, then that explains why you are starting to hate what you see in the mirror every morning as you struggle to fit into your favorite jacket or dress. Do you get my point?

There is such a thing as bodyweight exercises. Read health magazines and books, watch YouTube videos and identify workouts that may work for you. Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere, anytime, even in your bedroom or office. But here is the thing. Can you be consistent? We will talk about consistency some other time. 

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this short video says it all. Statesmen doing the right thing. (Video courtesy

There is always time for some little activity you can do to stay fit and in great shape. Physical activity has benefits (1 Timothy 4:8). So, seize every opportunity and, you will reap great rewards in all things you do. 

What are you going to do? The world is waiting for your impact.


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