The brightest idea in the world is your idea.

This week I want to emphasize the importance of your mind. If you believe your mind is as powerful as the Creator made it to be, it means your ideas are equally powerful. Thinking, or the formation of thoughts in your mind is a daily process. The world systems and all things in this world started as an idea in someone’s mind; then why do you think your ideas are dumb?

Why have you abandoned your ideas to copy someone else’s? I believe this explains why there is so much ‘fake’ going on in the world. If you think you do not have good ideas, you’re just wrong. Copying someone else can not be your idea of making something of your life. There is no better way to make your life fake. It’s wrong. Why? That is because the brightest idea on earth is your idea. But why Ray? You may ask.

If you have a business idea or any idea whatsoever, look for this one thing: is your idea going to solve any problem in ONE human being’s life? Yes, one. Not two. One. If your idea can solve a problem for one person, I bet you more people will need your solution to that very problem. Therefore, whatever idea you may be having, check if it is going to help anyone. That, my friends, is the biggest and brightest idea in the world.

Do not worry about how you will get your idea out to the public. If you are alive today and know what platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and so on are, then getting your idea out there has never been easy in human existence. You may not know about these social platforms, and you may not have money to go to school, do not worry. All you need is a smartphone with internet access. And I promise you it is easy and possible to work your way to the million-dollar mark. It sounds easy. Yes, because it is easy.

Again, if one of your ideas is that things are difficult in this world, be informed that your failure is your fault. What makes any activity easy to accomplish? Simple. Your determination to make it work. If you are determined to succeed, you will walk through the hurdles and difficulties successfully. Got it?
In this day and age, most people are saying the world is full of problems. If that is indeed true, then there is no better time to make money in the world. All you need do is sit down and analyze all the so-called problems that are everywhere and all around you, find a solution to ONLY one of those problems, and you are in business.
Is that not the brightest idea in the world? What are you going to do with yours?

If you are struggling to put your thoughts together, read books. You might be wondering if your ideas are worth anything. Read a book that will take you through practical steps to discover your best ideas. A book like Do Yourself a Favor Get Up! and Move! has transformed many lives.

Preview this book online and order a hard or electronic copy. It is worth the investment. You won’t regret it.
