The best relationships advice you’ll ever need

The best relationship advice you’ll ever need.

Thought of the week: Keep your collaborations real

Welcome! I want to talk about keeping your collaborations real. Today’s perspective focuses on collaboration. Why is there a need for partnership, and why do you people need to work together? 

Do not forget that all successful human activities succeed through collaborative work in one form or another. It means that most human success stories are born of fruitful collaborations and relationships.

You see, for you to be productive, you need collaborators – sponsors, business partners, shareholders, employees, and so on. 

While the right collaborations may guarantee success, unsuitable ones can only help ruin whatever you want to accomplish. Isn’t it? 

Now here is the thing. An important question. Why do successful collaborations and thriving business and work relationships collapse at some point along the line? Think about it. Why are people friends today and enemies tomorrow? Why do people profess to love and get married and detest each other’s presence the next day? 

There is one fundamental truth: humans are fickle; a person can change their mind about anything at any given moment. And that makes life unpredictable and scary. We know not what tomorrow may bring. So what now? 

Well, if I may ask: who is your collaborator? Why do you trust him/her? You have the answers.

However, there is one other collaborator, one that many people fail to recognize as such. He is at the origin of your brilliant ideas and successes. He is a collaborator whose contribution to your joint projects will ensure that your achievements turn into a legacy for future generations. A relationship with this collaborator will leave your footprints on the sands of time. 

I am talking about your Creator. Whether you know Him as Jehovah, Allah, God, or by any other name, it’s up to you. But, I know Him as God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit. I know Him as Jesus Christ. 

He is the best collaborator and, a relationship with Him is the most vital for success in life, irrespective of what you’re doing. Collaborating with Him is synonymous with keeping it real! 

If you desire results that transcend your imagination, or success that will blow your mind, then get into a relationship with Him. That’s one sure guaranteed collaboration for a successful career, realized dreams and, the key to living your best life. 

What are you going to do?
