Staying power: where will you be, three to four decades from now?

Staying Power: where will you be when you get older?

The COVID-19 pandemic has come to remind all of us how feeble human life is. The thought of the week above came to me very strongly as I contemplated our topic for today. Each one of us has only one SHORT life. It is scary to think that you may wake up one day after many years to discover that you spent your only life doing the wrong thing. What is the right thing? You may ask. We’ll come to that in a moment. 

While it is understandable that you need to make money for daily sustenance (Ecclesiastes 10:19) in today’s world, is making money a reason for living? 

If you are employed, take a moment and ask where you will be two to four decades from now. If you are unemployed and looking for a job, why is it so difficult to find one? Alternatively, what’s your plan and, how are you going about it? 

These are difficult questions to answer. But, that doesn’t mean that there is no answer. 

The answer is simple. If you do not want to wake up one day and regret that you wasted your only life, look inwards. What does it mean to look inwards? The answers you are looking for are with you. They have been from the day of your birth and are still with you; and will continue to be with you. That said, look inwards. 

I was fascinated when I saw a picture of Billy Ocean, taken decades apart. I went to YouTube and searched for Billy Ocean doing his song “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” in the 80s.

Then, I found the same guy, Billy Ocean, performing the same song almost four decades later:

There are millions of men and women on earth like Billy Ocean. Will you be one of them? It is enough to say for one day. But, before I go, ask yourself these questions: three to four decades from now, what will you be doing? Will you still be relevant? Or, will you be living in regret, retired and, tired in some corner?

Find your gift. Then, start doing something about it. Work hard and put in your very best. The world is waiting for your impact. What are you going to do? 
