How to open unexpected doors of opportunity.

I wrote the first article in my blog GetUp&Move! on May 7, 2020, in the middle of the COVID lockdown in South Africa. As I sat in front of my house that morning, with my IPad in front of me and staring blankly into space, it became clear in my mind that it was time to start writing. I had made up my mind.

So I started writing. And, I finished the article. Hitting the ‘publish’ button took a while because I hesitated. What if nobody reads the blog article? At that moment, I recalled that copies of my book Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up and Move! had been bought all over the world.
I had finally taken a step towards using my gift of writing and coaching.
Today, one year later, at least one person has read an article from the Blog GetUp&Move! in each of the seven continents in the world!
Never underestimate your potential. Do not ever look down on your abilities.
I want to seize this opportunity to thank all faithful readers of my blog articles. I believe that at least one article you read has pushed you to get up and move. I hope you have achieved a milestone in your life that only looked like a far-fetched dream sometime back.
Let me again share one of my articles published on May 27, 2020. This article made a lot of impact in many lives and received lots of comments. Click here.
Do not slow down on your dreams. What are you going to do?
