How to deal with the unexpected.

I believe this is the right moment to talk about dealing with unexpected events in your life. The COVID-19 virus has nothing but pushed everyone to a point where you dread what you may wake up to the following morning. Sudden job losses. Unexpected deaths of loved ones. Sudden closure of thriving businesses. So-called conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines permeate the airwaves. And worst of all, some unverified statistics suggest that recently more people have suffered psychological sicknesses – minds have been affected negatively. And so on. So, what should be your approach to life in these circumstances? 

Life is a series of events. Some, we have control over. Others, we don’t. 

And, here is the thing. Do you have control over your life’s events? Emphatically yes. And the reasons are simple. 

The combination of your sustained thoughts, the words you speak, especially as it concerns your prevailing circumstances, and actions that follow, together create your world. Those become your lived experiences and consequently determinants of outcomes you may experience. And, the same process applies when you face a challenge.

The unexpected will pop up now and then in your life. Your ability to successfully navigate and scale through the unexpected or get swallowed by it is well within your power to handle. 

If you are struggling with unexpected events in your life, there is such a thing as prayer. Prayer is the single most potent tool given free of charge to humans for their benefit. If things aren’t exactly as you expected, the answer is simple. Pray (Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17: James 4:2; Matthew 7:7). 

It doesn’t matter what unexpected events life may have thrown at you. You do not have to give in or give up. Pray for yourself and your loved ones. 

What are you going to do?

***Pray! Read a relevant book. Books are sources of knowledge. And, people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Click here.
