How Important Is Progress Along Your Career Path?

You may be a career woman or man. You may have goals you have set for yourself, and you desire to make progress and possibly attain those goals. Isn’t that so? 

Today, let us explore why it is necessary to make progress in whatever you have made up your mind to achieve. To make progress means you want to get somewhere, and you can see that you are slowly but surely getting to your desired destination. Progress allows you to attain your desires and makes you feel fulfilled in life.  

I recently read again in the New Testament about the life of Jesus Christ. Looking closely, you can tell that He had things to do, and He made progress as He went about His business. In His three-year ministry, we can see His progress from His baptism to His ascension. Jesus lived each day deliberately and consciously making progress towards attaining set goals – the same goals that justified the reasons He came to earth as a human being.

That said, look at your life and your career. There is a need to interrogate your progress. What goals did you set for yourself, and where are you going with them? Do not get me wrong. Having a set career path is a good thing and essential too (2 Thessalonians 3:10). 

What are your career goals? How much progress have you made towards attaining them? As soon as you are gone, only your progress and achievements will speak to posterity. Apostle Paul’s progress and goals will forever be relevant. Albert Einstein’s progress and publishing of the theory of relativity transformed modern-day technological advances. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev made progress in Chemistry and gave the world the periodic table and left. The list of humans who set goals and made progress, and impacted humanity is very long. Their progress and goals enhanced human life. 

So, I understand your burning desire to make progress in your career. But, take a moment and ask yourself a few questions.

Do you know why you exist on earth? Do you know your purpose? Jesus knew why He came to earth, so His progress had direction. [Watch this video by the late Dr. Myles Monroe if you can make time]. 

Therefore, progress in your career should ultimately be leading you along the direction of your purpose. In other words, your work as a banker, pilot, or career man/woman should point to a definite destination (your gift is the pointer to that destination) as you progress in it. That is the very essence of progress. 

All I am saying is that the only life you have ought to be lived meaningfully, according to the original intent of your Creator. Otherwise, you may just be chasing the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:14).

What are you going to do? Read a relevant book and learn simple, easy practical steps guaranteed to help in your career progress. [Check out this link for more information]
