Do not let fear destroy your beautiful life!

Do not let fear destroy your beautiful life!

Today I want to talk about an associate who keeps us company daily. This companion is all over the place and has a habit of visiting every human. As a matter of fact, this associate is a very unwanted friend.

I am talking about none other than fear. Fear is responsible for most of your thoughts, words, and actions. Fear will make you do things today that you will regret tomorrow. And here is the thing: fear is subtle and dangerous. It eats away at your destiny slowly but surely. Consider this. You go to school, take a new course or learn a new skill cos you’re afraid if you don’t, you’ll be broke. Your house has a high wall surrounding it, not because you love fenced houses, but because of fear of criminals. You buy expensive and unnecessary stuff cos you want to impress people, and all because of fear. Some cops and criminals are trigger-happy not because they are strong but because they live in fear. You send kids to expensive schools cos you’re afraid they might never make it in life if you don’t. You may say that children need to attend the best schools, and that is true, but deep down, sending your kids to that expensive school is motivated by fear. 

 You may decide to start a good business. However, due to fear of it not succeeding, the start-up eventually crumbles especially when you run a business in fear. See that? The examples are endless.

So what now? I read somewhere that the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ appears in the Bible 365 times. If there are 365 days in a year, then the implication is that God is urging you daily not to be afraid! Why would God want that? Because fear will destroy the works of your hands; fear will destroy brilliant ideas; fear will keep you in bondage such that you may never live to fulfill your destiny. 

God wants you to have faith. Think about it. Anytime you want to achieve a goal that you set your mind to it, it works. Why? Because anytime faith replaces fear, success is inevitable. 

So, it all boils down to this: on what foundation are your ideas, plans, projects, and desires built? Is your foundation fear or faith? 

I’ll suggest that you make faith your foundation because, without faith, nothing works out sustainably. Accomplishments built on fear are here today and gone tomorrow because they cannot be sustained.

So, what are you going to do? Choose faith. I am not talking about faith in a man or woman, not faith in your connections or wealthy family, but faith in God. It all begins when you make friends with Jesus. Jesus is not an unwanted friend. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Never forget that. 

What are you going to do? Keep it real!
