Determine your future successes now.

A popular music group Fleetwood Mac once did a song called Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow. Watch the YouTube video here. They went ahead to add that tomorrow will soon be here. They also insinuated that tomorrow’s going to be better than yesterday. That is what you hope for. But how can you be sure that tomorrow is going to be better?

Well, for us who are still alive (especially if you are reading this article), there is a saying that ‘tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone’ as James 4:14 rightly confirms. Yet, you look forward to tomorrow, hoping it turns out better than today.

I think that the thought of tomorrow and what tomorrow holds for you could be a motivator for the things you want to do or ought to do. Have you executed all your plans? Thinking about tomorrow may help you get rid of procrastination. Someone said you should never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Proverbs 6:4 advises as such. Or, will you rather eat and drink, as tomorrow we’ll die (Isaiah 22:13)?

Do not forget tomorrow isn’t all about you but the people coming after you – your children and grandchildren and all the generations after you. Think about tomorrow and do something about it. It is a wise thing to do. It is also one good reason you are alive. Why are you living? Someday, and that will be sooner or later, you’ll be gone from the earth. What you may do today to make your tomorrow better will be the only thing left as a testimony of your existence when you’re gone. You can indeed determine your future successes now. Stop, and think.

What do you want that testimony to be? That you prepared for your offspring after you or you did nothing? Again, think about it.

Then, keep it real. GetUp&Move

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