Better spend your life in the right career.

A career change may fulfill your purpose.
Let your purpose guide your career choice (image credit:

When last did you spend some time thinking about your childhood? And, have you given thought to how things have played out in life up to where you are today? Looking back in your life, does your current career bear any resemblance to your childhood dreams? Are you doing what you have always wanted to do? 

Today, look at your career choice and interrogate how you got to do what you do now. How did you come to doing what you do now? Did someone guide you as you grew older? Or, did your school subjects, parents, an older sibling, teacher/s, friends, or the media, determine your choices? We‘ll come to that in a moment.

A child born into a family naturally grows up in a community. That community exists within a system and culture. A combination of different systemic and cultural factors contribute to giving the child his or her identity. As he/she grows into adulthood and a career, these factors play a vital part. As the child grows, the next ‘logical’ thing is for them to start attending school. And, attending school is very important because getting an education (not a qualification) is vital. For most parents, the mantra is: go to school, get a degree and a good job and live your life. 

Going to school tends to be regarded as a guarantor of a future life and a livelihood. On the flip side, school systems almost everywhere are standardized in a similar fashion: curriculum with objectives, schemes of work, subject syllabi, examinations, certificates, grades, etc. And so most parents encourage their children to study hard, get good marks (I am not sure what a good exam mark has got to do with someone’s future), graduate and get a good job. And most of today’s working-class got to where they are through this path. 

Like I already asked, who/what guided in the decisions that led you to your current career? It is common knowledge that job seekers have more than one curriculum vitae. To suit the requirements of the job they seek, the jobseeker tweaks each version of the CV. And when the job seeker finds a job, they decide to make it their career, in most cases. Then, the usual unhappiness follows for some, while others may quit despite the good salaries. Then the ups and downs of life take over. Employee today, jobless tomorrow. Happy today, unhappy the next day. Get paid today, become broke after three days. See?

Here is the truth; there is such a thing in life as purpose. Your purpose is the reason you were born. And your Creator determined that reason. According to Romans 8:28, when you are in the right career, things will always work out in your favor according to the purposes of God for you. If you find your purpose, you will find your true identity and life. Can you honestly say your current career fulfills your purpose? Does your current career choice resonate with your childhood dreams?

Parents, what are you doing to guide your children in the direction of their natural abilities (gifts) that are pointers to their purpose? Do you know the natural talents your child has? Have you ever tried to observe your child and immerse your whole mind into the observation with a sole reason to pick up his/her gift? Have you made an effort to help channel your child’s education to tie with their gifts? Do you encourage your child if you notice that he/she loves imagery by buying them a camera, for example? Or, are you one of those parents pushing children to do a course because it pays well nowadays? Are you that parent screaming at your child to get good grades and nothing else? Parents, think about these things because your guidance can determine your child’s future career and fulfillment in life. 

Some parents say that they have sent their children to the best schools. Well, in my opinion, if your best school does not lead your child to their purpose but only helps them to get a first-class and craft an impressive CV to start looking for a ‘well-paying, ‘well-deserved’ job like everyone else, then there is a huge problem.

Career paths should grow from childhood. And when the child grows up, they will work within their purpose, living a fulfilled life, impacting the world positively, and giving hope to the less fortunate.

To the adult who desires a career change, yes, and there are many, allow your natural gift to guide your new choice. It is time to do that thing you always wanted to. 

Buy and start reading relevant books like my course on self-discovery found in the books Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! with the Study Guide.

Better spend your only life in the right career. Regret is always too late. 

You have an unfulfilled mission to impact the world. What are you doing about it?
