How this simple approach can elevate you to unimaginable heights.

In the journey of life, diverse approaches to achieving your chosen desire/s exist. These approaches depend on underlying tangible and intangible principles. If you successfully apply them as you strive to excel at your chosen career, your success will be visible to everyone. Without that, attaining success may become elusive. 

To succeed in your chosen activity or career, you need to think, speak and act in a disciplined fashion. It will determine your success or failure at achieving your heart’s desire. The bitter truth is that people are born, they live, and then die. Some succeed in their lifetimes to ‘become’ who they were born to be but sadly, many do not. 

Ironically, those who fail to live their God-ordained lives are always busy in one way or another. They may be walking the wrong or right paths but failing to take advantage of life’s success principles. The late Dr. Myles Munroe used to say there are books, paintings, music, inventions, tech innovations buried at the cemetery. Gifted persons failed to find and use their gifts in conjunction with these simple principles such as discipline. So, their talents ended up in the grave, unused. 

Today I want us to talk about one of the success principles: discipline. It is an act of following some prescribed manner of conduct, behavioral pattern or adhering to rules that govern performing an activity.

Look at this: is there discipline in whatever you think, say or do? Three things involved here are thoughts, spoken words, and actions. I call them three forces. Your thoughts, words, and actions are forces powerful enough to propel you to wherever you desire to be in life. So, are you disciplined in your thoughts, spoken words, and actions? 

Have you ever taken a moment to question your thoughts and monitor what you are thinking? How can you, for instance, desire to succeed in life or say that you are going to be successful, yet in your thoughts, all you ‘see’ is how broke you are? You cannot in your mind’s eyes see a poor guy, see yourself as useless in life, feel frustrated because you are unable to achieve your so-called dreams, entertain thoughts of shame and self-pity and yet, expect positive results in your life. See what I mean?

You work hard. No doubt. But your success can be hindered by your thoughts. Working hard and thinking wrong undisciplined thoughts will retard progress and lead to negative emotions such as anger, resentment, malice, regret, self-pity, drunkenness, drug/substance or alcohol abuse, and immoral living. Such a state of mind is unreal because that is what it is: fake reality! 

If you accommodate a false thought for a long time, you may end up accepting that thought as truth; the thought may turn into a belief even though it is unreal. Do not ever forget that your belief is a powerful controlling force in your life; your beliefs dictate your decisions, and you start acting and doing things as directed by those dominant beliefs. 

A man or woman who believes (because of wrong thinking) that everyone hates them is incapable of loving or living a stress-free life. Such people are always bitter with everyone for reasons that may not even be existing. Such a mindset is destructive even to a promising career path. No wonder it is written that as a man thinketh, so is he (Proverbs 23: 7).

So the bottom line is this. What is your desire in life? Do you want to succeed? Then, think success. See yourself (in your thoughts, within your mind) as successful. If you desire to be a director at work, provided you have developed your skills to a level where you can lead people, then see yourself (in your thoughts) as a director. See yourself (in your thoughts) as a successful athlete. See yourself (in your thoughts) as financially independent, even when you are unemployed (it is called faith). 

The principle of disciplining your thinking is applicable in all circumstances in life and every career. It takes persistence, perseverance, patience, and a positive work ethic to turn your thoughts around. If you do, failure will never be an option for you; your success will be visible to the whole wide world (Hebrews 11: 1; Ecclesiastes 9: 10).

What are you going to do?


My books (a course on self-discovery and self-development for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

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