Are you absolutely certain this activity is your destiny?

Today, I want to ask you a simple question. Are you sure the job you are doing now, or that particular job you so badly need, is your work? 

Let us distinguish between the words job and work in the context of this article. I will define a job as that activity you perform in exchange for payment or salary. I will define work as that activity you perform to achieve a particular outcome or result; in exchange for payment sometimes, but not all the time.

Let me explain. Someone in a job seeks to get paid. Getting paid is the motivating factor for getting involved in that activity. That is why you may call in sick on a day you do not feel like going to your job. You do not care about the job and, that explains why you feel no remorse going late to the job site or even being absent. 

On the other hand, someone doing work cares about the result obtained from what they do. You go to work, even if you feel ill and ought to call in sick. See that? 

That said, look at your activity and, based on my definitions above, ask yourself if you are jobbing or working. And all these considerations are based on one thing: honesty. Are you honestly committed to what you are doing?

The danger is this. If what you do as an activity or life commitment is motivated by how much money you get paid, be reminded that you can get rich from doing the wrong thing. Bizarre, right? Don’t we all need money? Yes, we do. 

But most importantly, is it not better to live your purpose on earth? Is making money the reason you were born? I do not think so. 

Therefore it comes down to one thing: let your activity in life build on your gift, which defines your purpose. In today’s tech world, gifted individuals have given us the tech solutions that have changed the way the world functions. Examples are all around you. 

So, think about your job or work, again. Is it aligned to your gift? If not, you may be living below your true potential, even if you are making money.

Think about these things (Philippians 4:8). The excellent and praiseworthy things in your life are not defined by how much money you make but how many lives your job or work allows you to touch. 

Examine your life’s activity, and determine if it is work or a job. The world is waiting for your impact.
