Here is a simple formula for success: The Process

The process and success are one!
Stick to the process, to succeed…(image

Do you know that every significant accomplishment in life takes time, effort, and commitment to come to fruition? Do you have a dream or burning desire that you want to accomplish in your lifetime? Then, this post is for you; therefore, read each sentence carefully. Let me show you a secret. Your dream can truly become a reality. But, you will have to embrace and go through what I call the process.

The process to achieving all goals

The process is a non-negotiable, self-initiated sequence of events and happenings around your dreams and desires, from the conception of ideas to the manifestation of results. In this context, the process is the time it will take, the decisions you will make, the thoughts you must think, the words you will utter, actions you will take, obstacles you must surmount, and every pleasant or unpleasant happening in-between, to realize your dreams. Therefore, it is vitally important to talk about and be aware of the process, a long and hard yet enjoyable road fraught with ups and downs, as well as successes. During the process, recognize all the craziness around you: the good, the bad, and the ugly, as part of the journey to accomplishing your dreams. It is the pathway to achieving any desired goal/dream in your life. 

The process in action

For example, when gold is discovered underground on a piece of land, the discovery only marks the beginning of a process leading to obtaining pure gold at the end of the day. After careful planning, procuring equipment, hiring engineers, and putting all necessary human and logistical resources together, the digging can start. Excavating the earth to get to the gold deposits is always a tedious, painful, and sometimes dangerous process. But, it is necessary because it takes sweat and blood to access hidden precious elements such as gold.

Your precious side, your purpose, the reason you were born, is also hidden. Discovering, digging deep, finding, and refining your gift/s are unavoidable requirements for you to operate fully in your purpose on earth at the end of the day. You need to embrace and go through your process (Luke 14: 28 – 30) so that your purpose on earth may also emerge like pure gold. It is painful that some human beings live their entire lifetimes and never discover theirs because they fail to recognize that they have gifts. If they do, they fail to handle the process.

The journey

As a word of caution, the process gets frustrating very quickly, very often. And usually, it is at such a point that you might quit pursuing your dreams or resort to some plan B (such as a job, packaged in a sweet and appealing yet limiting term called job security). You can’t afford to have a divided focus during the process. You can’t afford to have your mind all over the place, and most importantly, you can’t afford to have any plan B during the process (usually for most people, plan B means if this is not working, I will rather quit this, and instead do that). 

Is that so, Ray? I hear you almost screaming. Any plan B that pops up during a process can only be an escape from your prevailing reality. It may lead to regrets, especially when you retire (Click on the following titles to read two of my previous, related posts: Is it possible to retire from your ‘work’? and Reality check: are your skills transferable?).

It is vital to stick with the process and tolerate no distractions, no matter how much you may seek to justify the need for a Plan B.

Between the lines…

You are indeed called upon to embrace and enjoy the process because the end thereof will be the fulfillment of your heart’s desires. Learn to suffer and enjoy the suffering because it is your refinement process. Be reminded of the adage that the purest gold passes through the hottest fire.

Are you about to give up on your lifelong dreams because the process is frustrating? Do not give up! Keep on! Your success is just one more persistent effort away.

You have a responsibility to share your gift with the world. What are you going to do?


Copies of my books Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide (a course on self-development and self-discovery) are available on Click here.

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3 thoughts on “Here is a simple formula for success: The Process”

  1. Pingback: How to easily achieve ambitions in your life. – GetUp&Move!

  2. Pingback: Never too late.

  3. Pingback: To soar or not to soar… – YourGifts TV – Roland Ray Kangong

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