Careful! Do you know how powerful your words are?

Have you ever imagined what the world would be like if human beings couldn’t talk? Talking is at the very core of human existence and achievements. 

Every word you have ever spoken or will ever speak begins as a thought (Luke 6: 45). Napoleon Hill once said in his famous book Think and Grow Rich that thoughts are things. Spoken words resulting from your thoughts determine the course of your life. Your life’s experiences become shaped by the power in your very words. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18: 21 KJV). 

Sometimes you may hear someone say statements such as I don’t have enough; how I wish I could earn more; I need to budget; I can’t help anybody cos I also don’t have enough; how am I going to buy this/that? Some affirm that they are struggling financially, wondering if life will ever get better. Others say that in their family, they always strive to make ends meet, and so on. 

For people who talk this way, their lives are an exact reflection of those words, even though they may be employed. You know why? You shall have whatever you say (Mark 11: 23) because there is power in your words. 

You think it, say it, and you get it. (I am not talking here about the ‘name it, claim it” prosperity gospel). Steve Jobs imagined and created Apple. He must have thought about it and spoken about it, saying how exactly he would love the iPhone or MacBook to look like and function. Then, combining his thoughts, words, and actions (working on his ideas) finally gave the world Apple products as we know them. See? What you say does not work in isolation; your words work in tandem with thoughts and actions.

A guy with a burning desire to play in the NBA thinks basketball and speaks basketball and practices all the time. He doesn’t talk about basketball today, golf tomorrow, and cycling the next day.

How then can you leverage the power in your words to create the life you want? Speak what you want to see in your life. What is your burning desire? Let it dominate your thoughts, then speak about it and act on it! Stay focused on your desire. When your thoughts are focused on your passion, your words and actions will deliver your desires to you.

I believe there is a need to start monitoring your words daily. Some time ago, I took a notebook and wrote down all the words (and thoughts) that I needed to eliminate from my vocabulary forever. I tore out the page and taped it behind the door in my room. Each time I came into the room and closed the door, the paper would be staring at me. Before I went out of the room, I’d be face to face with that information. And that reminded me. It wasn’t long before I realized that each time my unwanted thoughts and words showed up, I’d quickly remember and correct myself. Today, those words do not exist in my vocabulary any longer. 

You can do the same. Change your vocabulary and speak what you want to see in your career, job, marriage, relationships, and finances. Then, your actions, guided by the power in your words, will fulfill your dreams.

Be careful! Your words are powerful. Your life today is an exact reflection of the words you spoke yesterday.

What are you going to do?


My books (a course on self-discovery and self-development for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

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