You are a million times better than you realize!

You are better than you realize!
Is your vision of yourself real? (image credit

Who are you?

Do you know who you are? Do you know it is possible to believe a lie about yourself? Don’t you think your life could be better than what it is now? There is a quiet small voice that whispers to you always, almost daily, reminding you that your life could be better than what it is right now. Your response to that voice plays a major role in you getting to live the life God intended for you. You know why? That’s because you are a million times better than you think.

Do not underestimate your strengths

King Solomon of old said in Ecclesiates 10: 7, that there are servants riding horseback like princes – and princes walking like servants! He meant that there are people on earth, like you and I, born and endowed with enormous potential and privileges to live like princes; yet we are living like servants, plagued by poverty, lack, want, sickness and disease, and in careers and jobs that we hate; we struggle financially always, investing our time and energies into activities that have nothing to do with our purpose on the earth. You see, a prince is born into certain privileges and a degree of affluence. However, the prince will remain in servanthood as long as they fail to recognize and take advantage of who they are.

A servant who recognizes his/her potential to transform their life will indeed ride on horseback (become rich, influential, impact the world, use their gift to bring innovative solutions to the world etc) while a prince who fails to recognize their potential and purpose may indeed take the servant’s default place of poverty, lack, want, disease, failure, stagnation, frustration and so on.

Why are you taking it easy?

Ain’t that true? Why have you become contented with just surviving, day by day, when you were indeed born to be better than you are right now? Why are you entertaining the what-if-I-fail, maybe-I-am-not-good-enough voices? Do not forget that you are a million times better than you think.

Gideon was found by the angel threshing wheat in a hidden corner to hide from the Midianites (Judges 6 – 8). Gideon was very afraid and even said to the angel that his tribe was the least in Israel, that his father’s house was the least in their tribe and that he was the least person in his father’s house. Imagine! This was a mighty warrior and military leader who saw nothing good in himself. That mindset, my friend, is one of the main reasons people are not living their true lives. Here was Gideon, a prince but he was living miserably due to his servant mentality.

Even if no one believes you

For some of you, family and friends may have written you off, like King David’s family. They never even mentioned him when prophet Samuel came to his father Jesse’s house to anoint the new king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:11). Yet, David was born a King! And yet, in his family’s eyes he was a nobody.

Take a good deep look at yourself and you will realize that you were born a prince, to be a million times better than you think you are right now in life. Why settle for less when you could be more, far more than you can imagine? How do you see yourself?

It doesnt matter

What I am trying to say to you is that it doesn’t matter where you are in life at this point in time. Even what you are doing with your life now, as your job/work/career may just be God’s way of preparing you for your horseback. For you a prince to indeed ride on horseback, it takes your purpose. Your purpose is that very reason why you were born, why you exist – to exercise your gift and bless the world with it; yet you have settled for less in a job or some activity that is contributing to your sadness and poor health. Where is your confidence?

I titled my book, Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move!. It’s not just a fancy title designed to excite anyone, it is a basic truth of life. Why have you chosen the path of least resistance and year in year out, you are struggling with the same issues; meanwhile you have it in you to be great?

You are unique

The Creator has put unique qualities in you, meant for your financial liberation and to impact the world. Gifted sportsmen and sportswomen for example, are servants, working as laborers yet their prosperity is lying dormant even as they labor, earning peanuts while their gifts and riches are wasting away. Are you doing what you ought to be doing with your life or have you decided to settle for what life has thrown at you, and life goes on? Do not do that. You are a million times better than you think.

So, do this…

Find your gift, and your gift will reveal your purpose. Work on your purpose and you are guaranteed to impact the world because there can only be one YOU. Overcome fear and start. Start that course. Begin that business. Start that apprenticeship. Begin writing that book. Start writing that movie script. Start that activity you know deep down that you ought to have started long ago. As long as you are alive, it is never late. Unless you wanna start training to run at the next Olympics if you are 60. You may never know what you are capable of. Listen to that little persistent voice in your head and start to use what you have – your gift/s.

How are you intending to impact the world? Don’t you know you have what it takes? You are a prince, and you are a million times better than you realize!


My books (a course on self-discovery and self-development for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

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