Free yourself from this deadly trap. Forgive and forget.

George Floyd’s killers: should the Christian forgive and forget?
#BlackLivesMatter (Image courtesy

Jesus taught His disciples and all of us as a matter of fact, to pray. He said: “…if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15 NIV). Aa a christian, a chill travels up and down my spine at the thought of God not forgiving my sins. Think about it.

Jesus also taught, and still teaches today that if someone offends you repeatedly, you ought to forgive. He said you should forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven times (Matthew 18: 21 – 22).

Christianity and many religions worldwide teach about forgiveness. They uphold forgiveness as an uncompromising requirement for a relationship with the Creator.

What happens then if someone chooses to deliberately offend you over and over and apparently shows no remorse? It is not only a fact but the truth that police brutality in the States and elsewhere in the world targets minorities. The powerless. Upholding the so-called white supremacy acts as a justification for the cowardly acts they carry out. Are we Christians therefore supposed to forgive them seventy times seven times?

Recent events in the United States have got me thinking. I am so angry. But, as a Christian, what should be my reaction to the barbaric killing of George Floyd? That brutal shameful killing has left everyone, I mean Christians included, angry. Oh yes, and people are angry all over the world. And, the anger is justified.

Jesus again taught that it is okay for us to get angry. However, he warned that we may not let the sun go down while we are still angry (Ephesians 4:26). We are to forgive others so that our Heavenly Father may forgive us too. So, does that suggest that we forgive those cops who murdered George Floyd and let it go?

What if we hold onto our anger even while the sun goes down, contrary to Jesus’s recommendation? Shouldn’t we be angry until something is done to address the violence targeting African Americans and minority, non-white populations worldwide? Are we in any way risking our relationship with our Creator?

I do not have the answers. But, I believe that our collective voices can begin a conversation that will contribute to the eradication of this shameful ideology. If the slave trade was defeated, and apartheid kicked out, and if anti-Semitism lost its voice and power, then, this too can be defeated. Your voice matters. Whether you are christian or not.

What are your thoughts? The world needs your voice.


My books (a course on self-discovery and self-development for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

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