Here is how to rise above and overcome all odds.

Welcome to yet another session. Another blog article. One more opportunity for you to do the little things that bring success in life. 

For you to ever succeed, you will unavoidably overcome obstacles on your success path. If you hate detours in your journey of life, then you are not ready for success. But, if you want to succeed? Read on.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your career path is. There is one fundamental question. How can you rise above and overcome all odds? 

King David of old was to become King of Israel. You may read from 1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel 2:4. The prophet Samuel anointed him for that purpose. 

But, after the anointing, all hell broke loose on David. The anointed king found himself running for dear life, hiding in caves, feigning madness to escape arrest, suffering hunger, and every ugly thing in-between. Yet in 2 Samuel 2:4, we see him crowned King over the house of Judah. What kept him going? Why didn’t he give up and try something else like most people do nowadays?

See. You have one destiny. There is one thing and only one thing you are to become in life. And that is, successful. King David knew who he was. He knew deep down that he was a king. No one and no circumstance could convince him otherwise. 

What about you? Why have you switched from one thing to the next thing many times in your life? It is because you do not know who you are! If you did, you’d remain focused despite the odds. 

Therefore, find out and know without a shadow of a doubt who you are and stay focused. Provided that your eyes remain fixed on that one thing you were born to be, the ups and downs will come and go. You will beat all odds and make it to the top. 

Take a moment to reflect. Get a paper and a pen and write it all down. You will realize how distracted you have been. 

Now, write the vision down again (Habakkuk 2:2-3) and keep your eyes on it. It will only be a matter of time, and you will be there.

What are you going to do? 


Here is a success handbook. It is written in simple language yet provocative enough to get you to rise and take control of your life. Buy on Amazon. Click here.