Make better decisions and change your life.

Better decisions; better life!
Life is a decision.

Where are you?

Are you surprised at where you are today in life? Don’t be. Decisions made it possible.

Where you are in life has been determined by a combination of your thoughts, words and actions that resulted from decisions and choices.

As the popular saying goes ‘life doesn’t just happen’, rather, your decisions and choices are the architects of the direction your life is going right now. As a result, your decisions and choices have consequences, whether good or bad.

The power to decide

Now, here is the thing. Each time you take a DECISION, you do so to get a particular desired result, thus creating a new experience, consequence and direction in life.

***Be reminded, by the way, that your power to DECIDE is a strong ally in your journey to success. Use your power of decision wisely!

⁃ One right decision can take you to your destiny and one split-second wrong decision can ruin your life permanently. So, decide carefully before you act!

⁃ Is it a toxic relationship making your life hell?  You have the power to decide and change that today.

⁃ Are you struggling financially? You can decide right now, and make up your mind to become rich! It is possible.

⁃ Do you believe you aren’t successful because you don’t have a college degree or because you have no ‘background’? So what? You have the power to decide right now and make up your mind to succeed! College degree or no college degree, background or no background, you can make it in life! Your power to decide is with you. Use it!

⁃ So doctors are saying this and that to you regarding your health? Decide and take your life back from that health condition, whatever it is. Your perfect health is one decision away. Decide now!

No matter what may be going on

⁃ Have you tried many times and failed? Decide right now to never give up because failing once or twice, or even ninety-nine times like Thomas Edison, is no guarantee that you are doomed to fail.

⁃ Married many years and still no baby? Decide and ‘see’ yourself surrounded by your children and grand-children and it shall be so!

⁃ Are you at the brink of divorce? Decide that love conquers all, renew your mind (see my previous posts) and save your marriage!

⁃ Is it a child or sibling acting abnormally? Decide to not give up on them. The greatest is love!

⁃ Maybe you are struggling with career goals? You can decide right now and rise to the top.

⁃ Someone hurt you deeply? Decide right now to forgive and forget, and transform your life in that process.

The list is endless.

Do this one thing

One thing remains. Decide to live the life you were born to live. Decide to become who you were born to be.


My books (a course on self-discovery and self-development for career success) Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! and its Study Guide are available on Click here.

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3 thoughts on “Make better decisions and change your life.”

  1. Pingback: Are you struggling to reach your goals? - GetUp&Move!

  2. Pingback: Narrowing it down (navigating the crossroads to your reinvention) – YourGifts TV – Roland Ray Kangong

  3. Sama Aloysius

    Life is worth living if you love to love, if you do what you like, if you work with pleasure, if you live so that you can leave something behind, if you learn to share and appreciate every moment you are healthy, free and alive, so good decision will shape my live. Thanks for the wise words of wisdom. God bless you

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