« Less is more ». Careful! How this statement can take your career to new heights.

You will agree that many people are frustrated in life in this day and age because of information overload.
There is just too much talking and yapping about everything, and everyone seems to have an opinion and advice on everything.
But, do you want to survive? If you do, you need to learn, here and now, to shut out all the noise and listen to your inner voice. If you can indeed find your purpose, or in other words, God’s purpose for your life (Read Romans 8:28), you will see how irrelevant the noise around you is. This article I published on August 30, 2020, at 7.19 pm in Johannesburg, South Africa, says it all. Take a moment to read!
The less you pay attention to the noise, the more you will excel as you find your true identity, your purpose. Yes! Identity! Purpose! That’s who you are. Stop and listen to your inner voice. Then, get up, move and influence your world.
Truthfully, less is more. The less you listen, the more you are positioned to excel.

What are you going to do?
