Where does God fit in your journey through life?

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Hello and welcome. Today let us look at the popular word selfishness and why it is important to kick it out of our lives. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘selfishness’ as an excessive or exclusive concern with oneself while seeking or concentrating on personal advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

Looking at this definition, I want us to consider a few things. Everyone likes to care for themselves. And it is normal. So, you may watch what you eat or drink, and you also exercise to keep fit. You may equally love the pleasures of life and strive to give your family the best treats. Does that make you excessively concerned with yourself, especially if you do not care what anyone thinks of you? 

It is written in 1 Timothy 4:8 that physical exercise has little profit. That means there is some profit in caring for oneself; it means caring for yourself is good. But the same verse says godliness is of greater value and profit. Godliness means God-likeness. What does that mean? What we know about God is that He cares about people. So godliness requires stepping away from selfishness and paying more attention to others and their needs. 

Therefore, you may look at your career, job, work, or that ardent desire to climb the corporate ladder or to make tons of money. What is your motivation – selfishness or godliness? Think about this because your future depends on it. Get my point? There are broke people today who are future billionaires. And the rich today might end up poor and wretched. Why? Your choice of godliness or selfishness is the determinant. 

Romans 12:3 suggests shunning narcissism, ingrained in excessive and unhealthy love of self, and embracing godliness. 

What are you going to do? 
