Do this one thing if you desire a breakthrough.

Hello there. Have you ever been so tired that you lie in bed and stay awake late into the night? That has been my experience recently. 

As I look back at my experiences in the last few days, I suddenly realized the importance of planning. Yes, planning. Those who say they will take life as it comes lack wisdom. It is little wonder that you are broke and struggling in life if you make this kind of statement. So, did you make up your mind not to stress, as it is said generally? Do you see planning as stressful? In Psalm 90:12, the writer is praying that our Creator may teach us to number our days. Numbering your days does not mean checking out how old you have become, although you may need to do that sometimes. 

‘Numbering’ your days means planning your day. If you have read my book Do Yourself a Favor. Get Up! and Move! (ISBN 978-0-620-82184-1), you will discover in Chapter 3 that for your gift to manifest and blossom, you need to work on it; you cannot work on something meaningfully if you take things as they come. You need to plan. Hard work means  planned work. Exerting a lot of energy on an unplanned task is a waste of time and you may not get the desired results. See?

Each day you wake up, do you decide what you will do, for example, between 09h00 – 10h00? And 10h00 – 12h00? Planning has to be calculated and deliberate. Otherwise, you may never truly tap into your potential. 

Is lack of planning probably the reason why things are difficult in your life? Maybe. Do not blame someone, COVID-19, the government or, your background because while you are busy complaining, those who take the time and pain to plan their lives are prospering, COVID-19 or no COVID-19. See that? 

I hope we are on the same page. What are you going to do? The world is waiting for your impact and contribution.
