The tiny little voice you have been ignoring.

The tiny little voice you have been ignoring.

Thought of the week: What excites you every morning you wake up? If you are unsure of what to do with your #life given the prevailing circumstances in the world now, the #answer lies in listening to the tiny small voice; it will ’show’ you who you are!

Have you ever been on a serious mission to get something done? And, then a small tiny voice in your head tells you to do it this way or that way? But, you ignore it and, sooner you realize that you have just made the biggest blunder in your life? Can anyone relate? 

In today’s post, take time to read, re-read and, reflect from deep down in your soul. Getting the gist of this article could turn out to be your miracle. Why? Most of what you pray and wait for is with you, within you, has always been with you, and will always be with you. The problem is that you do not know it. And, because you do not know, you make a lot of moves, paying no attention (Luke 14:28) to the tiny voice.

Well, a tiny spark, a striking of a matchstick, is all that is needed to burn down an entire forest that may have existed for hundreds of years. See that? A little attention to the tiny small voice may open you up to that glorious destiny. Even today, even now! 

It is a fact that many people are in jobs they hate. Many are suffering from avoidable health conditions. Many are broke when they ought to be giving to the broke. 

You still added one more drink, although you know it is affecting your health negatively. You lit that ‘stick’ again, although your chest and heart can confirm the damage you have meted out. You took another mouthful while that tiny inner voice was yelling at you to stop eating that particular delicacy; you know it is making you sick and complicating your weight issues. The list goes on and on.

Now, listen! It takes less than a minute, sixty seconds, to act on the suggestion of the persistent small voice to change your life. If only you listened, you wouldn’t be in this job you detest. If you had paid attention, you would not be spending so much with doctors. Had you listened, your bank account would look completely different now. 

Well, I used to be in that same situation. Although I knew what I had to do (the small voice reminded me daily), I found no reason to do what I had to do. But, I found a million ‘logical’ justifications to do what I had no business doing. No wonder my life turned out as it did. I have celebrated many ‘successes’ (while ignoring the little tiny voice) only to find out at the end of the day that it was no success at all! Aren’t you the same? How can you sit with great ideas and limitless potential, yet you celebrate a salary as if that is what you were born for? Am just saying. Think about it.

But do you know the good news? As long as you are alive, it is never late. You can start even right now. You need exactly only sixty seconds to turn your life around and alter the lives of your loved ones and yourself. It takes less than sixty seconds to pay rapt attention to the small voice and refuse the other way out. I explained earlier in this article.

The adage that your life is in your hands is so true. Your life is indeed in your hands. You have the power to choose what to do.

So, what’s it going to be? The world is waiting for your impact. Let the small inner voice guide you. 


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