Health is wealth – this could make or mar your career!

Quote of the week: “Be fruitful…Genesis 1:28 means ‘be a producer, using your gift’ and NOT a consumer; so BE a #jobcreator or #businessowner instead of #feelingentitled to a job in someone else’s ‘fruitfulness’ (company, contract, business, government etc.) #RolandRayKangong

Health is wealth; eat well, live better.
Health is wealth; eat right to live right…(image from

Health is indeed wealth

Good health is vital. A popular adage says that ‘health is wealth”. I bet you will agree. Wealth comes from your Creator (Deuteronomy 8:18). This happens through your career because your Creator blesses the work of your hands, your career (Psalm 128:2); then, what you eat and how you eat (Proverbs 23:20-21) have direct consequences on your health; and if you eat right, you will be healthy. If you are healthy you will be more productive at your chosen activity in the world. See that? 

Is your career still struggling to pick up? Read last week’s post here. One reason your career might be suffering could be linked to your health. Else, it could just be lack of imagination. But today, let us explore an unlikely angle. Nutrition and health.

Take a moment. Just a few minutes and watch the short video below:

A healthy life is a more productive life (video courtesy

Your life has got to be productive

In Genesis 1:28, after God created man, He told man to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over life. In other words, God was saying man should be a producer, and NOT a consumer as we see today. To have dominion means you have the ability to accomplish any task. But, all of these are subject to certain simple conditions. 

Your nutrition matters, really!

In Genesis 1:29, God said unto the man He had created that  “…every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

‭‭Look at it this way. God created man in His image and likeness (this means you are not ordinary; unless you choose to overlook your extraordinary nature, revealed in your gift). 

After creating man, God commanded man to be productive. And then, God showed him what he should be eating as we see in verse 29 cited above. 

This implies that what you eat is important; because what you eat will keep your body healthy, so that you may carry out your mandate on earth, provided you have discovered what your mandate is. 

In the 21st century, there are many health issues with lots of people. Maybe you are one of them. Truthfully, and science tells us so, most diseases are a result of lifestyle; and in my opinion the culprit is what enters your mouth. 

Your career success hinges on your health

Therefore, I have started a category called Health & Wellness on my blog that will bring you expert opinions on matters of health and wellness. You know why? 

All the lucrative careers in the world, the money, cars, houses, private jets etc. have no meaning if you do not have a healthy body to enjoy your blessings. Your Creator wants you to be healthy hence He said so in 3 John 1 : 2; your Creator also wants you to behave right including eating right hence He said so again in 1 Corinthians 6 : 12

Therefore, do this simple thing…

Do you want to succeed in your career? Work on your physical and spiritual health, and you will make your life on earth significant. Look out for new blog posts from next week in the category Health and Wellness. Simply read. Do not forget that the thin line between success and failure is called knowledge; and knowledge is acquired through reading (Daniel 9:2).

What are you going to do? The world is waiting for your impact. 


Isn’t it time you take your career to the next level?

Read relevant books. Get Do Yourself a favor Get Up! and Move! & the Study Guide on Amazon. Alternatively, contact me directly for signed and discounted copies.

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